Diébédo Francis Kéré knew exactly what he wanted to do when he got his degree in architecture... He wanted to go home to Gando in Burkina Faso, to help his neighbors reap the benefit of his education. In this charming talk, Kéré shows off some of the beautiful structures he's helped to build in his small village in the years since then, including an award-winning primary school made from clay by the entire community.
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Positioned on the northern side of one of the major vehicular arteries into Katutura, the new head office of the Mine worker’s Union is l...
The five-star Hotel Sahrai, designed by the architect and designer Christophe Pillet, enjoys spectacular views of the largest medina in t...
Heavy rains brought down the pyramid-shaped wooden school, built on a platform held afloat by hundreds of plastic barrels, on Tuesday. No...
Designed as an urban community project, the mission and end goal of the design was to improve the human spirit by responding to the growi...
Urko Sanchez Architects releases the newly completed Swahili gem in Tudor creek, a development that explores the complexities of traditio...
The ecomo home is a compact home designed for modern, simple living in collaboration with nature. The design is based on basic sustainabl...