Dalton House / Alberto Morell Sixto

Sometimes architecture is as simple as a sigh, yet portent like the cause of the sigh. It takes a particular process, an integral compounded and labored effort to realize something like that...therein lies the irony. When opinion and fact are blurred and sentiments reserved albeit later shared. That is perhaps what the Dalton House in Kilifi, Kenya's secondary coastal town gently whispers, with...

Upeo Camp, Lake Jipe / Urko Sanchez Architects

Most man made features are placed in nature, additions so to speak, but few individuals have developed high levels of empathy to it that they touch nature so lightly. Upeo Camp doesn’t only touch it lightly but rather enhances the existing by imitating and developing it. With two types of units one resembling the existing boulders and the other almost tucked inside the earth one will not even n...