Falatow Jigisayo Orphanage / F8 Architecture + Gérard Violante

A humanitarian project designed by F8 Architecture in collaboration with Gérard Violante  on a plot of two acres 50 km south of Bamako, Falatow Jigiyaso Orphanage clearly illustrates how the traditional building codes of the sub-Sahelian region can be adapted to the extreme conditions of a desert climate.This rather modernist orphanage complex offers accommodation for children and staff with to...

Mopti Centre For Earth Architecture / Kere Architecture

The Centre for Earth Architecture is part of a series of developments the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) has carried out in Mopti. Others included the restoration of a dilapidated mosque and the construction of a new sewerage system for the town. This beautiful mud-brick building is situated dramatically on the edge of a lake and aligned with the mosque in the rear. The waterfront was backfi...

Primary School Tanouan Ibi / LEVS Architecten

Situated in a remote village in the vast plains of the Dogon country in Mali, Tanouan Ibi Primary School is a perfect example of a design that is innovative, sustainable, functional, practical while still remaining authentic to its context. The school has a single-block typology consisting of three classrooms measuring 7 x 9 meters that can hold a total 180 pupils, a principal’s office, a depot...

Ahmed Baba Institute of Higher Islamic Studies and Research / DHK Architects

The Ahmed Baba Institute of Higher Islamic Studies and Research, commonly referred to as Ahmed Baba Institute, is a library and research complex located in Timbuktu, Mali. Its location in Timbuktu, is an ancient town with rich history dating back to the Trans-Saharan Trade, required the architects to come up with a design that would respect its unique context. The result was a building construc...