10 Ossmann Street / Wasserfall Munting Architects

The refurbishment of a 1950’s residence in the verdant suburb of Klein Windhoekoffered an opportunity to explore the intimate spaces required for living against a fixed plan template of the existing, while simultaneously re-establishing connections to the site, broader landscapes and contexts. Completed in April 2013, the house is reinterpreted as a pavilion set on a steep embankment within a t...

Namibia Offices For Mineworker’s Union / Wasserfall Munting Architects

Positioned on the northern side of one of the major vehicular arteries into Katutura, the new head office of the Mine worker’s Union is located in a neighborhood of poorly maintained and heterogeneous architectural typologies. The site is bordered on the western side by a small stream that drains in a southerly direction and separates it from the neighboring residential precinct and its informa...

Offices for Bührmann & Partners / Wasserfall Munting Architects

The result of a mini competition, the new office complex for Bührmann & Partners Consulting Engineers is the manifestation of a longstanding working relationship between the respective practices – and more particularly between Sigi Teetz and Jaco Wasserfall – that began almost two decades ago and has since matured into a dynamic partnership built on mutual respect and a shared passion for a...

Office of The Auditor General/ Wasserfall Munting Architects

Architecturally speaking, the biggest challenge was to design a building with a language and overall expression befitting the image and status of the office of an auditor general: an uncompromising and distinguished presence, yet restrained, timeless, inclusive and neutral. Other important design considerations were the contribution of the new building to public urban space within the city, and...

Hilton Hotel Windhoek/ Wasserfall Munting Architects

The new Hilton (Eliakim Namundjebo Plaza) Hotel in Windhoek, Namibia, forms the first phase of the proposed Freedom Square development, an 80,000m² mixed-use precinct in the heart of the capital set to transform the urban face and dynamics of the CBD.

Head Office Ernst & Young / Wasserfall Munting Architects

Wasserfall Munting Architects is a Windhoek practice that prides itself in its dedication to the pursuit of design excellence and simple clarity in the architectural solutions it proposes. The Ernst & Young (EY) Chartered Accountants building represents a rather exceptional company. It has been conceived to give expression of an innovative, unconventional building that challenges traditiona...

Classrooms for University of Namibia/ Wasserfall Munting Architects

Architecture is and always will be an educative process, a path that forever guides you to what the human soul seeks. It is the firm behind every stride, the constant desire to reach form within, and this is what Wasserfall Munting have been able to achieve with the new classrooms at the University of Namibia. With the campus experiencing an unprecedented and exponential growth in student numbe...